Our Brand

Whats Makes US

We are the sum of all things that created us, that shaped us, that stayed in our hearts when all the nosie died away, that made us what we are today.

We must not forget these things, our culture, our heritage, our proud roots, but we must always look for new ways to express them.

Welcome to Teddy Ondo Ella


What Drives Us

Teddy Ondo Ella the collection pays homage to a more inspired time in men's fashion, rejecting mass media culture to present a true experience of a modern, proud Africa. Our heritage makes us who we are, but one eye must always be on the future.


Our Inspirations

Born from a life spent on three continents, with roots firmly planted in Gabon, the Teddy Ondo Ella signature collection represents a fusion of European and American cultures through the lens of modern African elegance. As unique as the man who created it and the experiences that influenced its design, the collection challenges preconceptions about the definition of luxury, African culture, and men's suiting.